Food Grade Plastic Bags

Food grade plastic bags are made of plastic material deemed safe for contact with food. Any material that food comes into contact with must be deemed safe. Food grade plastic bags are designed to meet these standards and are regulated by higher standards than traditional plastic. This includes plastic bags that are used in the grocery store and bags used in storage.

Food grade plastic is required to be manufactured within a safe environment. For plastic to be considered food grade, the material must act as a barrier against moisture or contaminants without decomposing. Food grade bags should be durable enough to protect food items in the manufacturing, packaging, storing, and transporting phases. Of utmost importance is ensuring that food grade plastic is chemically safe and does not contaminate food. Where the food grade plastic bag is of poor quality, there can be incidences of leeching or chances that chemicals can seep into food. The consequences of poor food grade bags can be an altered taste and/or adverse health symptoms.

The food grade plastic bags we offer are intended for every type of industry that utilizes bags to protect, transport, or keep food fresh, including restaurants, production plants, farms, farmer markets, and grocery stores. Our bags are manufactured using plastic material designed to meet the highest standards, including plastic bags that are used in the grocery stores and restaurants, as well as bags used for storage. Our food grade plastic is chemically safe and does not contaminate food it comes into contact with.

Picture bread bag or vegetable packages that are readily found at stores. These bags are often a clear plastic for customers to be able to see the product. There are words and logos printed on the packaging, as well. An effective way to ensure customer safety is to package these items and other food items in safe bags that have been designed for food. Such bags are available and are produced in many different colours, as well as a variety of sizes to accommodate the smallest and largest foods.

To be certified as safe and labeled food grade, a plastic bag needs to meet the standards and requirements of the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). Regulating organizations examine all ingredients and additives within the plastic to ensure that it does not affect the colour, taste, or scent of the food.

These organizations test the materials for adverse response to changes in temperature, moisture, or humidity or if the presence of other chemicals, alcohol, or oils are found. This ensures that the plastic will be strong enough to withstand manufacturing, packaging, and transportation.

Plastic needs to be deemed safe to be labeled food grade on a continual basis. Some food grade bags are produced with heavy duty materials and are used in shipping. This method allows for food products to go from the grower to the bag to the table while remaining as safe as possible.

The manufacturing facility where the food grade plastic is being produced must also keep strict cleanliness requirements and have efficient manufacturing practices in effect to prevent risks of possible contamination of its bags. Manufacturing facilities have standard documents issued to them to regulate the environment where production takes place and to ensure that only high quality and immaculate materials are used.

Once food grade plastic has been used to produce plastic bags for shipping, the quality of the bags is once again checked by the manufacturer and only when deemed safe for contact with food are the plastic bags then shipped out.

Food grade plastic bags have multiple usages and applications. Storage bags can also be used for purchases at the grocery store and to hold food items packed for lunches. These bags are durable and are designed to be used for dry and wet foods. The styles of these bags vary to help fit the food properly in the bag. Different types of plastic can be created into food grade to handle different products or a variety of environments.

These plastic bags are made of specialized polyethylene, which can withstand friction and handle pressure better than other forms of bags. These bags display strong resistance and do not tear easily. This material and others can be made into food grade plastic bags which provide a safe material free of contaminants. Our food grade bags are excellent for food packaging, consumption, and storage. Food grade plastic is produced in a strictly controlled manufacturing environment. Consumer safety continues to be our highest priority.

Our food grade bags have superior clarity which allows the food to show through. Our food grade bags prevent food from becoming spoiled, maintain their scent, and are an excellent choice for your food packaging solutions. If you are seeking food grade plastic bags for your business, we offer high quality polybags to suit every need from produce bags to bread bags. We offer custom printing for your company to ensure your customized bag is to your liking, brand is represented on the food grade polybag. Inquire today for a full list of the sizes we offer.

Please contact us for quotes

More Custom Printed Plastic Bags

2899 Steeles Ave. W.,
Units 9 & 10,
North York, Ontario
M3J 3A1


Fax: 1-855-669-6184

For skid quantities of stretch wrap, resin, or plastic bags only, please call

By appointment.

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